Aqua Therapy
Enjoy the freedom of movement and safe exercise in the water.
What is Aqua Therapy?
Aqua Therapy takes a holistic approach to client care. It assists a person regain pre-accident or pre-disease mobility and function in an environment where they report a sense of freedom and feeling weightless in the water.
It encourages people to work on areas of their body where normally they feel pain and discomfort. It is a safe transition to an exercise program for many who have never exercised before.
How does Aqua Therapy help?
• Gait training • Neuro motor development and sensory integration • Muscle performance-strength, power, and endurance • Motor function and motor control learning • Joint integrity and mobility • Gait, locomotion, and balance • Aerobic capacity and endurance
How an Aqua Therapy program works:
Our Aqua Therapist discusses the client in an initial phone call with the physiotherapist/occupational therapist. Impairments and management of injury are discussed.
The Aqua Therapist meets with the client in the pool to assess his/her level of functioning pertaining to the water.
A program is created.
The program is monitored and changed within the improvements or difficulties of the client throughout the facilitation of the program.
Customer Testimonials
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Current Client
The Aqua Therapist
Catherine Aguanno is a qualified instructor since 2012 through CALA-The Canadian Aqua-Fitness Leader Alliance Inc. She is specifically trained in Healing Waters and Aqua Arthritis. Her training encompasses Aquatic post-rehabilitation techniques to enhance and restore the functional ability of people who have been injured or been impaired by disease or stroke. She has extensive experience in managing difficult impairments in the water such as, catheters, g-tubes, tracheotomies, and work with varying conditions including, Fibromyalgia, spinal injuries, ortho injuries, brain injury, pain management. Catherine has also worked with people who have a fear of the water and through a desensitization program introduces them to the water and to an exercise program.
Get in touch to learn about how Aqua Therapy can help you enjoy life!